- Drawing a face with eyes, nose, mouth, hair, and sometimes even ears:)
- Recognizes many letters: M D R E S A, and probably knows what a few more are if you count words they start with
- Counts to 16
- You can pedal a tricycle pretty decently (it's a little tricky in the basement on the carpet:))
- Go potty all by yourself without a potty seat!
- You know the shapes heart, triangle, square, circle, and star
- You know many colors, but not all of them just yet
- You're obsessed with polly pockets, princess, and lalaloopsies and your imagination grows more and more each day
- You really enjoy delaying bed time these days with phrases like, "I gotta go potty, I need a drink, I need one more baby, etc"
- You're napping is sketchy at the moment. You take naps at Kristin's, but not always here on the weekends. You usually are just "ready to wake up." We're working on having at least an hour of quiet time:)
- You're going back to Kid's @ the Well all by yourself now
- You recently painted a picture and named everything you painted in it! The sun, grass, yourself, and a rainbow. (It made this ex-kindergarten teacher mama proud:))
- Your favorite quotes: "We're playing mom and dad. I'm the mom, you be the sis." "I'll wipe poop on you." (yes, you actually say this sometimes) "We're pretending this be a...."
- New love for the shower, and singing in the shower with a
microphoneshampoo bottle. Your newest song in the shower is, "I got the moves like Jagger."
A highlight was the peg people mommy, Aunt Jenna, and grandma made for you. You like carrying them around with you wherever you go and sleeping with them.
It was an excellent celebration and so fun that you now understand what a birthday is all about!
On your actual birthday daddy, you, and I went to Crazy Pins. You went bowling for the first time!
You loved it, but really wanted to get all of the pins down each time. You got mad when they pulled the ones you missed away. Maybe you have that competitiveness like your daddy:) There were high fives all around, you rode some rides, and played some games.
Happy Birthday to my
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