
Happy New Year 2012!

We had a great New Year's Eve at our house this year.  Ashley was nice enough to let us do it at our house, since our daughter doesn't like to go to sleep when we're at other houses lately...although Audrey took a turn of not wanting to go to sleep this time, so I felt bad!  We had the Bigelows, Bennets, Ashley's brother and girlfriend, and Andrew's brother over.  It was a great group.  There was a little playing...

some Toy Story 3 watching...

 and as soon as the girls were asleep (finally) some catch phrase playing.  It was a perfect group to welcome in the new year with. 
     Highlights from 2011...
Goodbye to diapers
Lazy days at the new lake house
Finding out we were expecting little Hudson!
Starting a new endeavor as a second grade teacher
Our church being welcomed into the Lutheran loop and receiving a grant for advertising (thanks to Adam's hard work and dedication!)
A new cabin going up at camp
A big girl bed for Reese
Little memories that added up into big moments.

Hopes for 2012...
Growing our family to 4 with the addition of Hudson
My one New Year's resolution: actually doing a daily devotion.  It should be at the top of my list always, but has somehow gotten away from me this past year.  As long as I can keep this up, I know it will keep the rest of this, what sometimes seems to be too busy life, in focus.
Possibly starting Reese in a class of some sort: maybe dance, gymnastics, music, or something of the sort!
Enjoying some months at home with my kiddos
and we'll need to get some sort of vacation in there at some point too!

Happy 2012 from our little moosey:)

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