
Blizzard 2011

Sunny and 78 sounds much better than 12 inches of snow and ice, which is what I would've been enjoying in Florida if I would've had a flight 20 minutes earlier.  Let me explain.  I was almost on my way to a technology conference in Florida for work until Blizzard 2011 hit.  Eight of us were in the Indy airport keeping our hopes up.  But after hours of deicing and re-deicing, waiting for the weather to switch back and forth from light freezing rain to freezing rain (these are the technical terms they use if you weren't aware), our flight was cancelled at 11 pm.  Which means we got to drive back to Kendallville in "crippling" ice (another technical term).  So, at 4:30 am I finally crawled into my bed...cold.  But let's look at the bright side..I got to spend 3 snow days with Reese and my hubby.  Plus, I never would've had time to make these little treat bags for Reese's birthday party..
By the way, they are the easiest things to make!  Here are the quick instructions:
1. cut to pieces red felt the same size
2. cut out mickey ears, i used a cookie cutter to trace, but you could print off a pattern from clipart
3.  sew the mickey ears onto one piece of felt on the sewing machine.  i suppose you could hand stitch too, but it would take way longer.
4.  sew one piece of ribbon onto each red felt piece for handles, make sure to back stitch so they don't come off
5. stitch bag together, leaving an opening at the top
6. voila! a mickey treat bag, or purse as reese calls it

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