
16 weeks

Well here I am already at 16 weeks. Since school has started, I feel like time is flying and actually as I'm writing this I'm 17 weeks!  I swear I can feel this baby moving already.  Just off and on, those little flutters, late in the evening while I'm sitting on the couch (enjoying a leisurely evening of school work, can you detect the sarcasm:)).  Here's an update on how the pregnancy has gone so far...

Sick from 7-14 weeks, only puked two times though.  So really I shouldn't complain right....
Really exhausted between 12 and 14 weeks.
I've already had 3 ultrasounds!  Luckily, everything has been normal every time.  The last was due to the car accident I was in at 9 weeks and we just wanted to ensure everything was ok.  Praise God it was.
I ate cereal a lot in the first trimester...nothing else sounded good.  Raw meat totally grossed me out and cleaning up after dinner about did me in.
Now, only sick feeling very occasionally, a little tired (but mostly because I've been staying up too late I think), and starting to show. 

Seeing Reese lift up my shirt and try to find the baby.  The other day she actually told us that God was in her belly.  I think she mixed up the baby and us telling her that God is in your heart.  Love it.  When asked if it was a boy or girl yesterday she replied, "a squirrel."  Interesting.

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