
reese turns 15 months

when reese turned one i stopped taking a monthly picture and anecdotes about new firsts.  it's really crazy how fast three months has gone and how much she amazes me each day with what she can do.  almost everyday i just stare at her in amazement because i can't believe how smart and big she's getting.  i really need to get the video camera out more. 
here are some fun things she's been up to lately...
loves playing ring around the rosie and actually falls down at the right time now...plays ET with daddy...
climbs up on the living room chair herself..and can get down the safe (backwards) way...

loves bringing books to you and sitting in your lap to listen to the story...cracks up when you play "this little piggy"...constantly takes her shoes and socks off in the car (we just turned her car seat around too)...takes two naps still and sleeps 11-12 hours at night...loves running and kicks her leg out to the side when doing so (she thinks she can go faster if she wings her arms out in the back to get aerodynamic)...can say, "dog, mama, dada, up(sorta), uh-oh, no (kinda)...shakes her head no...gets very hyper when she bounces on her turtle...loves playing with coasters and handing things to you one at a time...LOVES pushing her baby in the stroller (or flinging, whatever you'd like to call it..lol)...throws and kicks the ball on the kitchen floor...signs "more" and "all done"...sleeps with bunny and her paci...obsessed with cell phones and purses...likes puzzles and can put the piece where it belongs if you point it out to her...will only walk in the grass if there is a dandelion to motivate her (doesn't love things that have a different texture...sand...paint...grass)...
and she thinks splashing and dumping water on herself in the bathtub is hilarious! 
i think i say this every month, but this is one of my favorie ages so far.

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